We have inherited the precious gift of the Holy Spirit’s passion and compassion that irrupted in the consciousness of our founders, and are called to develop a most intense desire to become totally His and to leave everything, all for the love of Jesus. With purity of heart and deep insistence, we give ourselves over to the work of the Reign of God as women, free to consecrate all of ourselves to the great cause of evangelization. We embrace a life that calls us to faithfully practice consecrated celibacy, asceticism and contemplation.
Although we are an apostolic Institute, we believe that the contemplative and active dimensions are inseparable in consecrated live. Our life is therefore one of intercession which calls us to be totally alert to the biddings of our Divine Spouse and the needs of His people, like Our Lady, Mary Immaculate, so that we may be in constant communion with Him. Our life is centered on the Eucharist and the Word of God, on constant praise of God through the Divine Office, and in meditation of his mysteries of salvation through the holy rosary.